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Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Год выпуска: 2018 Жанр: Action, Shooter Разработчик: Volition, Inc. Издательство: THQ Код диска: CUSA-09598 Регион игры: PAL Мультиплеер: 2x Версия игры: 1.03 Минимальная версия прошивки: 6.72 Работоспособность проверена релизером: Нет Язык интерфейса игры: русский (Акелла), английский (ENG), немецкий (DEU), итальянский (ITA), французский (FRA), испанский (ESP), арабский (ARAB), корейский (KOR), польский (POL), упрощённый китайский (SIMPLE CHINA) Язык озвучки: русский (Акелла), английский (ENG), немецкий (DEU), итальянский (ITA), французский (FRA), испанский (ESP) Перевод: Текст и Звук Возраст: 16+, 18+ (зависит от страны) Трейлер: Описание: Сюжет Red Faction Guerrilla развивается спустя 50 лет после событий Red Faction. Силы обороны земли (СОЗ, англ. EDF), спасшие марсиан от гнёта корпорации Ultor, установили собственный жестокий режим. Главный герой Алек Мэйсон прибывает на Марс, чтоб заработать денег и увидеть своего брата, которого вскоре убивают. Алек по воле судьбы вынужден присоединиться к Красной Бригаде (Red Faction), чтобы освободить жителей Марса от завоевателей СОЗ и отомстить за брата. В течение игры Алеку предстоит освободить все шесть секторов, находящихся под властью СОЗ. Открытый мир: Партизаньте, выполняйте задания или занимайтесь ослаблением позиций СОЗ на Марсе. Стратегическое разрушение: используйте взрывы себе на пользу! Разнообразный игровой процесс: окружение не будет статичным, и ваша тактика тоже должна меняться Сетевые сражения: выясните, кто умеет разрушать лучше всех! МАРС-терская переработка: - Полностью обновленная графика. - Улучшенная обработка теней и освещения. - Переработанные шейдеры и постобработка.Дополнительная информация по игре:Код: Release Name: Red_Faction_Guerrilla_Re-Mars-tered_PS4-Playable Release Date: 24/07/2020 Rar No: 92*300MB Serial No: CUSA-09598 Region: Europe Langs: Audio: En,De,Fr,It,Es,Ru Text: En,De,Fr,It,Es,Jp,Ru,Pl,Cz,Ar,Kr,Cn Format: .pkg Notes: Main game only, v1.00. FW 6.72 Enjoy! Дополнительная информация по обновлению:Код: Release Name: Red_Faction_Guerrilla_Re-Mars-tered_UPDATE_v1.03_PS4-Playable Release Date: 26/07/2020 Rar No: 29*50MB Serial No: CUSA-09598 Region: Europe Format: .pkg Changes: v01.03 ------ Changes/new features: -Overall improvements to matchmaking and multiplayer. -After completing the game once*, players can now activate the "reset destruction" feature from the "load game" screen. This remains active for the duration of the session and repairs destroyed buildings and other objects within a certain distance from the player after entering a zone. -After completing the game once*, you can now buy multiplayer hammers at the single player upgrade table. -After completing the game once*, you can now buy multiplayer backpacks at the single player upgrade table. -Unlocked cheats* are now saved in the profile data and carried into new games, allowing you to use them from the very beginning. -Added support for shoulder switching (activated via pressing left on the D-Pad). -Added a new "Hardcore" playlist - a playlist that was available in the original console versions of the game for a short time where it was called "MLG Playlist". -Added a timeout when waiting for players to get ready at the start of a multiplayer match. -Lowered the requirements for multiplayer unlocks and multiplayer hidden challenges to make them more realistically achievable with the reduced multiplayer activity of the remaster. -Heal backpack slightly tweaked. -Increased party size limit for some playlists. -Salvage now has a brighter color, making it easier to spot. -Parties should get split into different teams less often. -Bagman and Anarchy modes now have a minimum player requirement of 2 instead of 3. -Game now attempts to determine the best host at the start of a multiplayer match, potentially leading to less latency in multiplayer. -Slightly tweaked Ashes to Ashes mission in an attempt to prevent random mission failures -Increased time until NPCs start stealing the player's car -Increased size of a few icons on the minimap. *Note: If unlock-related features don't properly work for you after updating the game, it might be necessary to load a completed save file, save the game and then restart. Bug fixes: -Fixed a few potential crashes. -Fix: Under certain conditions, players were able to kick other players in matchmaking. -Fix: Spacing in kill messages was adjusted. -Fix: Exiting a multiplayer match now properly counts as a loss. -Fix: Player skill matchup function wasn't implemented correctly. -Fix: Hot-fixed hostages jumping out of cars. -Fix: Tremor backpack ignores the "camera shake" setting and always makes the affected player shake. -Fix: Gauss Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Nano Rifle, Reconstructor and Super Gauss Rifle ignore the "camera shake" option as their recoil behavior depends on it, potentially giving players in multiplayer an unfair advantage without it. -Fixed a couple of ranking bugs. -Fix: Aiming auto-correct after recoil works again. -Fix: Some random ore mining spots in the world disappeared for some players - those should now be fixed upon loading the game. -Fix: Reconstructor doesn't reappear in upgrade table anymore after already being purchased. -Fixed texture of Impaler in Demon of the Badlands. -Fixed ingame trophy UI - now correctly displays trophies as "completed". -Fixed custom game settings immediately resetting after a match. -Fixed some localization bugs. v01.02 ------ Stability improvements Warping and random teleporting in multiplayer fixed. 'Next Game' button in lobbies. MP stats get properly saved. Rankings show proper score after a match. v01.01 ------ Stability improvements. Vehicle throttle control is now analog. Notes: For Red_Faction_Guerrilla_Re-Mars-tered_PS4-Playable FW 6.72 Enjoy!

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